Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Turn Over

All too often we talk about turn over in the restaurant business. A lot of people come and go from restaurants like a flash of light. Often people leave for another job and make a small impression on the place of work. Then there are others. We recently lost a newly hired line cook to one of the best places possible: school. He decided to go back to school to study food science. What a great outlet from his former choosen career. And while he was a great employee one can't be upset at the loss of an employee to return to school.
This employee had been working on a bunch of homemade vinegars one of which included a beer vinegar. On his last day he brought us some of the mother from his beer vinegar so we could start our own. Here it is and we thank and wish good luck to Jeffery.


jer said...

oh man, if that's a rubber band from asparagus, i'm just gonna die

Colin said...

It is a rubber band from asparagus. And what's up with the nay saying.

jer said...

no it's just funny that i recognized it; at my place we have a rubber band ball almost as big as a cantaloupe made of nothing but asparagus rubber bands

Colin said...

Asparagus rubber bands are soooo useful. I'd like o see a photo of this ball.